Is there a correlation between being tall and lower risk for Diabetes?

Poor diets and lack of exercise may lead to diabetes. Yet, according to a new report, your height could also be a variable.
Scientists at the German Institute for Human Nutrition have recently conducted a study, published in Diabetologia Journal on the relationship between height and threat of type 2 diabetes.
Approximately 2,500 people aged 35 to 65 in Germany were evaluated in the European Prospective Research on Cancer and Nutrition, a study exploring the relationship between diet and cancer.
The group assessed the wellbeing of the participants, including their body weight, body height and sitting height.
Upon evaluating the findings, a four-inch rise in height was correlated with a 41 per cent lower risk of diabetes for men and a 33 per cent lower risk for females.
"Our findings suggest that short people may have higher levels of cardiometabolic risk factor and higher risk of diabetes relative to tall people," the researchers said in the report.
While scientists do not fully understand why there is a correlation between height and diabetes risk, hypothesized liver fat content may play a role.
They said that taller people usually have lower liver fat content, whereas shorter people have higher levels of fat content, which is a risk factor for diabetes.
"While increased height was associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes," the researchers noted, "our results indicate that height is unlikely to modulate risk directly, but rather liver fat and other cardiometabolic risk factors are significant mediators." This is not the first analysis to relate height to disease risk.
In 2018, researchers at the University of California Riverside noticed that taller people were at higher risk of diagnosing cancer because they had more cells in their bodies that could mutate and contribute to disease They said a person's chances of developing a disease increased by 10% for every 4 inches above average height.
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