I'm IYAZ RASHID and this is My Medical Student Life

Nabeel Ibrahim
Published on: 23/12/2018
India Third Year All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ali Iyaz RashidUniversity
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Current Year
Medical Specialty Interested in
I've not been able to narrow it down yet.
Most Inspiring Person
My mother
Single Quality that defines a great Doctor
First of all, walk us through the step-by-step processes that you went through to get to where you are today?
I started out in Majeedhiyya School for my GCSEs, where I was ELA president and a prefect. I graduated with 2nd Place in the O'Level National Top Ten and the Brilliance Award in History by CIE. I joined CHSE for my A'Levels, and got similar results when graduating.
Afterwards I volunteered at IGMH as a clinical assistant right out of school (even before my A'level results). I was there for a few months gaining valuable experience before applying for a scholarship to study MBBS in India. Although competition was intense I was selected for a full scholarship to AIIMS.
When did you first realize you wanted to study medicine?
After seeing our family doctor helping my mother during an exacerbation(worsening) of her asthma.
Take us through a typical study day.
We have our first lecture from 8:00 - 9:00 am so I usually get up around 7 am get ready and attend that. There's a 30 minute break from 9 am on wards when I usually have my breakfast and afterwards from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm I will be at my clinical rotation. 12:00 - 01:00 pm there's another lecture and then lunch break for an hour. 02:00 - 4/5:00 pm (time - depending on the subject) there'd be either a practical at the lab or a seminar.
After returning I usually take a nap till 7 pm and then take some time for myself until 9 pm, which would be dinner time. After dinner I usually study for an hour or two. Depending on the time until the next exams that number of hours may rise to 4 or 5. I do not study for more than 4 hours - anything more than that saturates my mind. I usually end up sleeping around 1 am.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I'm a Movie/TV junkie. It's either that or hanging out with friends.
Name your favorite medical text book.
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
How did you feel when you witnessed your first surgery?
They were using a cauterizer. The smell of burning flesh was overwhelming at the time.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started medical school?
That the first few months are the worst.
What do you think needs to change in the health industry of the Maldives today?
People need to trust doctors more. There's a lot of amazing talent here in Maldives.
Finally, what is the one tip/advice you want to give to our readers?
If you're planning on joining the Medical field make an educated decision about it. Know that although it's incredibly rewarding it can also be extremely strenuous. Be prepared for both worlds.
Also, do not stress about exams. If you're in Medical school, you're brilliant. Always know that. Exams don't change that.
The My Medical Student Life series was created for the sole purpose of helping medical students and aspiring doctors on their journey to become a successful Maldivian Healthcare Professional. Have a suggestion, idea or question? Email us.
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