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By Mariyam Adheela Published on 04/12/2019

Thalassemia Society donates over 120 thalaset boxes to MBS

The thalaset boxes contain a total of 1200 needles.
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Mariyam Adheela

Published on: 04/12/2019

Thalassemia Maldivian Blood Services Maldivian Thalassemia Society
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Maldivian Thalassemia Society has donated over 120 thalaset boxes to Maldivian Blood Services (MBS) yesterday.

Speaking to, the vice chairperson of Maldivian Thalassemia Society, Ms. Jeehan Saleem stated that these thalaset boxes were purchased using the generous donations that were raised at fundraising events. She also stated that these boxes will contain a total of 1200 needles.

The needles are used to inject desferal, which is a medicine used to get rid of excess iron in patients. According to Ms. Jeehan, butterfly needles that are used by patients every night to inject desferal, cause pain, swelling and discomfort. Even though thalaset needles are more expensive, she highlighted the positive comments she receives from the patients.

More to the point, Ms. Jeehan said with the donation, MBS’s role is to distribute these needles equally among the thalassemia patients who previously noted their names during the timeframe given. The names have been announced by Maldivian Blood Services on their noticeboard.

Before concluding, Ms. Jeehan has requested from the society, to accept thalassemia patients as normal people. To provide them with good job opportunities and to give them a chance to build relationships and build a family.

She also urged the public to test their own thalassemia status as early as possible to reduce the number of thalassemia cases in Maldives.

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