in News
By Naail Ali Published on 10/11/2019

When you eat is more important than What you eat - Research

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when you eat rather than what you eat could have the bigger impact.
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Naail Ali

Published on: 10/11/2019

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We’ve all heard the old phrase "eat breakfast like a king have lunch like a prince, and have dinner like a pauper". Scientists are now saying that with one major revision, this approach could help not only to improve health, but also to reduce weight.

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when you eat rather than what you eat could have the bigger impact.

The results of two dietary groups of women from between 18 and 45 years of age who eat the same number of calories a day were compared by researchers. The team that their main meal of the day at lunch lost 3 pounds (1.36 kg) more than the group that had a large dinner.

Over the course of 12 weeks, the group that ate their main meal for lunch lost 12.5 pounds (5.67 kg) compared to 9.5 pounds (4.31 kg) that the group that ate their main meal for dinner. The first group also had a higher increase in insulin sensitivity, which could help control diabetes.

It is true that more research is needed to find out if these outcomes can be maintained or if they apply to the general population. Yet it is a simple lifestyle change that anyone can make. Another benefit is that you might not experience the mid-day or late-night hunger for a snack.

When you first start following this advice, preparing a more nutritious meal for lunch may be a struggle at first. Use the money you save for eating a lighter dinner to order food from a restaurant. Furthermore, make sure you slowly fill your plate with healthy foods, such as a salad and lots of vegetables, to ease into this new change.

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