Oral health is a major part of self-hygiene that not only reduces risk of oral infections and diseases but also reduces other types of serious complications. Research published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology in 2010 gum diseases could raise a person’s risk of heart diseases by a whopping 20%. Moreover, many more researchers have linked tooth loss and gum diseases with risk of stroke.
In a recent study, the results show bacteria normally seen in the mouth found in the brains of stroke patients. The Finnish research group responsible for the study published the “Journal of the American Heart Association” this Thursday. In which they’ve looked for signs of bacteria in blood clots extracted from 75 patients who were treated for ischemic stroke.
The study found that 84% of the subjects, or 63 of them, did indeed have bacterial DNA in their blood clot. Among the majority 59 had a strain of streptococci commonly found in the mouth that are cause for infections if released into the blood stream.
According to a new study published in the journal Science Advances, bacteria normally present in the mouth can also release toxins that make their way into the brain. Once there, they may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
“Roughly two dozen oral species can be associated with diseases or conditions in other parts of the body,” said Tara Fourre, research manager for global oral health innovation and microbiology at Johnson & Johnson.
While findings do show a very scary correlation this invasion of mouth bacteria into the brain and bloodstream could be prevented with very easy steps, some of which were long foretold by our mothers. The first and foremost sure-fire measure is to brush and floss for a full two minutes. Mouth wash on the other hand is to be used appropriately as using it too often may disrupt growth of good bacteria causing the opposite effect. Furthermore, it is recommended that you rinse with water instead of mouth wash after a meal. Lastly, As always eat your veggies and fruits.
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