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By Naail Ali Published on 18/10/2019

Another reason for us to stop air pollution: Hair Loss

“We estimate the possibility for complete baldness as air pollution exposure reaches a certain level”
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Naail Ali

Published on: 18/10/2019

Air Pollution Hair loss
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Studies speculate 85% of men will lose a significant amount of their hair after 50 years of age.

Even women experience this type of hair loss. It’s known as Androgenetic Alopecia. 30 million women and an estimated 50 million men in the US suffer from this condition.

A new research has been published on the correlation of air pollution and hair loss. This research outlines the effects of air pollution and how it promotes hair loss in hair exposed to levels of air pollution.

Hyuk Chun Kwol from the Future research center in the republic of Korea was the lead author of this research published in the 28th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology congress.

In this recent study Kwon and his team looked at how Human Follicle Dermal Papilla cells react to PM10 particles and diesel in different levels of exposure. The American Environmental Protection Agency has categorized PM10 as a particle that is able to enter the body via the respiratory system due to its minuscular size of only 10 Micro-meters.

The study highlights how PM10 particles and diesel restricts the proteins necessary for hair growth. Especially the protein Beta-Cretin is seen to be significantly reduced. In addition, proteins like Retention, Cyclin D1, Cyclin E and CDK2 were seen to be restricted. These proteins that are involved in hair growth showed an increase in negative feedback as the exposure to air pollution was increased.

“We estimate the possibility for complete baldness as air pollution exposure reaches a certain level” says Kwon. “However, much research is needed for this claim to be fact” he added.

Baldness is a common process seen as the body grows older, however in china, one of the most polluted atmospheric regions have begun to see an increase in baldness among young adults these past few years.

It is predicted that this would affect 2 out of 3 halves of the population.

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