I'm MARYAM AHMED and this is My Dental Student Life

Update Dental College
Current Year
Dental Specialty Interested in
Maxillofacial Surgery
One word that describes Dentistry
Single Quality that defines a great Doctor
Confidence and Compassion
First off, tell us about yourself & your reason to choose Dentistry.
I have always wanted to be in the health industry, ever since I can remember. I completed my Secondary education in Billabong High International School, and joined CHSE for my Higher Secondary education.
During my Secondary school days in Billabong, I wanted to do MBBS and go into Medicine.
However, after talking to my uncle who is a doctor, and after doing some research, I changed my mind during my A'Levels due to the following reasons:
I love the aesthetic aspect of Dentistry, printing 3D scales, and individually crafting elements that will be a part of the patient.
I want to be a surgeon and start working with my hands after graduation.
I want to be able to see an immediate impact for my patients, for example, restorations or cosmetic dentistry. It feels rewarding when you see the end result right after.
Most importantly, I want a career that allows for a very specific lifestyle, where I am compensated for my years of education. I get more time for myself, since Dental emergencies are rare.
I contacted an agency who helps students from Maldives find a placement in Bangladesh. They gave me list of colleges to choose from and after considering all the options, I decided to join Update Dental College in Dhaka.
What motivates you to study?
I like to calm my mind during times when I don't feel motivated, since most of the time I am stressed out.
Whether it is watching an episode on Netflix, talk to somebody or taking a nap, I feel more refreshed and calm afterwards. Taking some time off for myself helps.
Then I am ready to focus on my studies.
Would you say that scientific research is a requirement when studying Dentistry?
It is important. Through research we can monitor the oral health conditions of the populations.
Then only we can identify the needs of the population. What the required treatments are, and how we can implement them.
Describe a frustrating experience you had in Dental school.
In my first year we had to get a lot of practical work approved. These works include self models, special trays etc.
I didn't get it right for a long time. On some of the practicals I had to do them 6-10 times to get one right.
Those days were very stressful. I had my whole sitting room filled with cement, clay and the rest of the equipment, so that I can practice over and over again.
Even after this, it was difficult to get my work approved.
How is a day in Dental school like?
I have college from 8 am to 2:30 pm every weekday. By the time I get home it is 3 pm. After a quick lunch, I take a nap until 6 pm.
I then start studying for the next day. We have topic exams every single day. Unless we pass these exams we are not going to be eligible for the final exams.
I take studying for these exams seriously, since I believe they are important, because these small tests help us prepare for the final exam.
I like to use textbooks to study. I read the whole topic, and if there is an aspect I don't understand, I then search it on the internet. Afterwards, I compile my own notes and use them to study for my final exam.
Which textbook would you recommend to every Dental student?
Textbook of Public Health Dentistry by SS Hiremath.
Do you consider you career to be demanding?
Yes it is.
This is a time where people are more educated and they take their health more seriously.
They are also willing to spend a lot of money to have an aesthetic smile and correct conditions such as overbite.
People want to get treatment more, hence it is demanding.
Do you prefer studying alone or in a group?
When I study a topic for the first time, I would have to study alone. I read a lot from the textbooks and also do research on the topic.
After I understand the topic, I then go for group studies. Here I can discuss anything that I don't understand, misconceptions and parts I find difficult.
I find it important to group-study when the exams are nearer. Since we are all together, we can help ourselves and remind each other what we don't understand. It saves a lot of time.
Yet, if I were to study in a group in the first place, without reading on my own, I would have nothing to discuss since I do not anything about the topic.
As a future Dentist, what do you think can be done to improve Dentistry?
Firstly, provision of essential instruments and technology. This way we can give better care.
Secondly, for the specially-abled community, we need to have special dental chairs, scales etc. People in this community need oral care more, since they are unable to take care of themselves.
Finally, oral cancer screening programs need to be held as well.
Finally, what is the one tip/advice you want to give to our readers?
There are going to be days where it gets difficult and you may question why you chose this field in the first place. It will get so hard sometimes.
Just keep going. Remember that someday you will be able to change the quality of your patient's life. You might be the reason for someone's confident smile and speech.
That day it is going to be extremely rewarding.
The My Dental Student Life series was created for the sole purpose of helping Dental students and aspiring doctors on their journey to become a successful Maldivian Healthcare Professional. Have a suggestion, idea or question? Email us.
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